


Gandhi is quoted as saying, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service to others.”

It’s a common word in our community – volunteer.  Mostly it’s used in a frantic plea as we beg people to please volunteer, please sign up, and please bring friends!  Being a tourist town, we count on volunteers to help our events run smoothly.

There would be no Thursdays on Main, no fabulous fall day of Harvest Festival to sample wine with your girlfriends, your kids wouldn’t get to line the streets in hopes to stockpile candy, candy and more candy during the 4th of July Parade.

All of these things take time to prepare, to plan.  And then it takes volunteers to make them happen.

The actual definition of a volunteer is generally considered as an altruistic activity where an individual or group provides a service for no financial or social gain to benefit another person, group or organization.

While I mostly agree with this definition, I do think there are many benefits to the volunteer for stepping up to help your community.  The sheer fact that you’ve done something nice for another person should be enough, yet one major advantage I’ve noticed is the networking opportunity that comes from volunteer work.

You can meet some seriously amazing people!  People that, maybe someday you’re looking for a new job, or need a referral, and they are able to help you out because of the connection you made while working on a committee together.

It’s easy to sit back and watch all these wonderful events unfold around Clear Lake.  Trust me, when my kids were little and we’d just moved here, I did that very thing.  I never realized the amount of man-power it took to plan, organize, and execute such things!

So what do you do?  How do you get signed up?

Well, you can click here:

This is a comprehensive listing of all the major events held by the Clear Lake Area Chamber throughout the year.  However, there are way more opportunities to get involved than just joining these committees.  Be sure you follow us on Facebook.  <– Just click there and it’ll shoot you right over to our Facebook page!

We are never shy in posting repeatedly, most of the time with just a hint of desperation, all the volunteer opportunities in the area!

Get involved, people.  Sign up.  Meet someone new, or bring a handful of friends and find a place where you fit to help out the community.  We thrive because of the influx of visitors and amazing events going on all year long.  Our restaurants and shops flourish because of your dedication to making them happen.

I’ve lived a lot of different places around the state during random periods of my life.  I’ve always been involved in some way, but nothing… and I mean absolutely NOTHING… compares to the outstanding activities that are held in Clear Lake.

Don’t you want to be a part of that?

I know I do.