Spring Fun for Everyone!


What a fantastic week of spring fun it’s been here at the Lake! It was nice to see ‘life’ again.  The streets and sidewalks were filled with bikers, or people out for a walk, or kids playing with friends.  The trees have begun to sprout buds, and the promise of summer is on the horizon.  Which just makes me smile.


Because in addition to the usual amazing activities, we’ve got a few special events this weekend.

First up is the Lake Area Quilters Guild Quilt Show.  It will be held at Clear Creek Elementary from 9:00am to 5:00pm on Saturday. The event will feature quilts from across the region and will have a slew of activities happening throughout the day.  Attendees can enter to win a raffle quilt, there will be bed turning, vendors, demonstrations, a boutique, food and door prizes.

Even if you’re not a quilter – stop by and check it out!

The art of quilting originated in Sweden in the fifteenth century.  Wikipedia defines quilting as ‘the process of joining a minimum of three layers of fabric together either through stitching manually using a needle and thread, or mechanically with a sewing machine or specialized longarm quilting system.’

Quilting is something often passed down through the generations.  It takes dedication, patience, and an ample amount of time to complete each quilt.

I’ve often wondered if quilting was a dying art.  Growing up, it was always the elderly church ladies who quilted once a week in the church basement.  But that is no longer the case.  Quilting has been on the rise recently, as it represents a way for people to express themselves through another artistic avenue.

While the styles may become bolder and more eccentric, the art of quilting is here to stay.

Another unique event takes place on Sunday at the Clear Lake United Methodist Church.

Put Jesus First concert

“Put Jesus First” is a gospel/cross-cultural concert that will offer the opportunity to learn about and appreciate cultures other than our own. It features Kondovoh Caulker, a professional musician with focus on religious African vocals.  You will also get to see musicians from seven African countries as well as music from India and America.

You can catch these amazing musicians at the 9:30am service or a special 1:30 concert on Sunday, April 16th.

Developing cultural awareness is so important in life.  Not only does it enhance your relationship with those around you, but it builds your respect for people who are from other countries.  In our tumultuous world, we are often pitted against one another, battling for the title of who is “better” or “right.”

By opening your heart – and your mind – and learning to embrace other cultures and their way of life, you will grow in respect and empathy for their way of life.

This concert will be free to the public with the option to give a donation at the door.

See what I mean?  Two incredibly unique opportunities to get out into the community and enjoy life!

As always, the full schedule of upcoming events can be found on our community calendar.   Incidentally, if you are looking to ADD your event each week, simply click the blue + on the right side and add details.  Our weekly events email is sent to approximately 4,000 people each Thursday.  It’s a great way to get some extra exposure for your event!

It’s going to be another fabulous spring weekend here in Clear Lake, my friends.  Get out and enjoy everything this beautiful town has to offer!