

This upcoming Saturday, July 28th, is a Clear Lake event like no other.  A day to celebrate the arts at the Art Sail.  From 9am to 4pm, City Park will be flooded with over 60 visual art vendors from around the country.  Their craftsmanship and creativity are sure to ‘wow’ you.

Visual arts, however, are not the only type celebrated at the Art Sail.  CL Tel has sponsored strolling entertainment by Paul Imholte, to captivate audiences with his performing arts.  Also, the literary arts (my personal favorite) will be represented, as local authors from North Iowa will be present for a book signing.

Personally, I love the arts and everything about them.  While I’m not proficient, or even familiar really, with traditional “art” and everything it entails, I still appreciate it.

My love of the arts began as a child.  In elementary school, I learned to play piano which then led to the Clarinet and Saxophone.  I participated in every band and choir activity possible and spent all four years of high school in drama and speech.

As an adult, I wrote my first novel in 2013 and have published two more, as well as two children’s books.

So yeah… you could say the arts have played a bit of a role in my life!

While sipping an incredibly steamy cup of coffee and trolling the internet for information this morning, I came across an article written by Timothy Bogatz – a high school teacher from Omaha, Nebraska – which listed 6 facts that show the true importance of the arts.

  1. Nearly 90% of people believe the arts should be taught in grades K-12.
    1. This is pretty incredible. In my experience, I can’t even get 90% of my friends to decide on the same restaurant.
  2. The arts benefit students across a variety of subject areas.
    1. This includes math and reading proficiency. Arts = Smarts.
  3. The academic benefit of the arts are undeniable.
    1. Studies proved that students who participated had a higher GPA and lower dropout rate. So I repeat…  Arts = Smarts.
  4. The arts have a social impact.
    1. Yeah, I’m definitely socially awkward, but think how much worse it would be if I hadn’t been involved in the arts?
  5. The arts teach the skills employees are looking for.
    1. WIN!!
  6. The arts help our mental health.
    1. True story. A short “me-time” break with a good book is always healthy for the mind and soul.

If you’d like, you can read the full article HERE.

After reading, it really got me thinking about how I need to expose my children to more of these things.  To teach them, and cultivate their young minds to not only understand it, but appreciate the beauty in any type of art.

And the Art Sail is a great place to start.

See you Saturday!