Well, friends, I’d love to be writing about what a wonderful Spring we’ve been having, but instead, I’m watching the gentle snow fall outside my window.

In April.

I don’t know what’s going on with Mother Nature right now, but she’s obviously mad about something!

Still, even with the blustery coldness and random bouts of the fluffy kind of precipitation this week, it’s been a hot one here at the Lake.  The Surf Ballroom & Museum welcomes the Eli Young Band tonight to a sold-out show.  Any concert at this historic venue is guaranteed to be a good time, but there’s just something special about a packed house on a Friday night!

In Chamber news, in case you missed our big announcement, we were SUPER excited when a great big box showed up on our doorstep early in the week.  Inside was a shiny new Bingo machine which made us all giddy with anticipation for the 4th of July Extravaganza this year.

Stay tuned – because it won’t be long, and we’ll be calling for Bingo Volunteers!

We also added a slew of new video content to our YouTube page.  These videos showcase our many signature events and are a great resource for our many yearly visitors.  As of today, we have a whopping 78 subscribers, so make sure you pop on over and click SUBSCRIBE to help Visit Clear Lake become “YouTube famous!”

Oh, and did y’all know it’s FREE?  It sure is!

Speaking of staying at the Lake, I posted this awesome blog earlier in the week as we kicked off our #stayclearlake campaign.  Tourist season is fast approaching, and it’s a great idea to plan for vacation and book your rentals in advance.

Earth Day is just around the corner.  There are so many ways you can be involved in this great event for our community.

April 18-23: Trash Bash Community Clean Up

April 21: Green Expo

April 23: Earth Day 5K & 10K

April 23: OutdoorFest

April 23: Play it Forward Toy Recycle

And more!

The complete schedule was just finalized, so make sure to check out our website for more event details and happenings:

In the last piece of feel good news for the week, we were excited to announce the addition of a “jobs board” on our website.  As businesses search for quality employees to fill vacant positions within their companies, this is a great resource to use. Chamber members can submit job openings at

Whew, that was a bit of a whirlwind week here at the Lake, wasn’t it?  And just think, in the time it took me to write this, the snow has stopped, and the sun is shining.

Spring in Iowa is seriously the weirdest.